Heath (Skor) Bars

If you’re a fan of chocolate-covered toffee, this recipe is sure to score! (see what I did there?)


1 cup (220g) of sugar

2 Tbsp of cold water

4.5 tsp (32g) of corn syrup

1 3/4 sticks (200g) of butter.

1 tsp of vanilla extract

A dash of salt

2.5 cups (450g) of milk chocolate


A Quarter Sheet Pan

A Saucepan

A Spatula

A Thermometer

Some Precision Dipping Tools

A Cutting Board

A couple of sheets of SilPat


Place a sheet of SilPat in the sheet pan, spray the sides with cooking spray, and set it aside.

Put the sugar, water, corn syrup, and butter in the saucepan and heat it on low, stirring until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved. Starting at a low temperature can help keep the butter from separating.

Increase the temperature to medium high and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Once it starts boiling, place the thermometer in the pan. Be sure it doesn’t touch the bottom of the pan, to avoid false readings.

Let the temperature come up to the Hard Crack stage, which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit, adjusted for altitude. If you’d like your toffee a little softer, you can stop at 290 or 295.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the vanilla and salt. Be careful when adding the vanilla, as it may spatter.

Pour it onto the lined sheet pan.

Let the toffee cool for 5 minutes, then use a knife to press score lines where you want to break the toffee. You may need to repeat this a few times to accentuate the scoring. Don’t slice, as you may cut through your SilPat. Just press gently.

Let the toffee cool completely, then break it along the scored lines.

Melt or temper the chocolate, then dip a piece of toffee into the chocolate, let the excess drain, then place it on a lined cutting board.

Repeat with the rest of the toffee, then leave it on the counter to set.

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