Cherry Cordials

A dark chocolate shell containing a cherry and liquid filling. A classic, yet easy to make, treat.

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About 24 maraschino cherries with stems
28g (1 oz) room temperature butter
1 1/2 tsp light corn syrup
1 tsp invertase (liquifies the sugar dough)
1 tbsp reserved cherry liquid
340g (12 oz) Chocolate Melting wafers or Chips
188g (1 1/2 cup) sifted powdered sugar.


Save a tbsp of the cherry liquid, then drain the rest and place the cherries on some paper towels to dry a bit.
In a bowl, combine the butter, corn syrup, invertase, and reserved cherry liquid, and mix until combined.
Add the powdered sugar to the bowl, then mix on low speed until the dough comes together. The mixture should be soft, but not too sticky to handle. If necessary, you can add a little more powdered sugar.
Take a bit of the dough and flatten it into a disc about 2″ across.
Place a cherry, stem up, in the center of the disc and work the mixture until it completely covers the cherry.
Place it on a lined baking sheet or cutting board and repeat until all the cherries are covered.
Put them in the refrigerator while you prepare your chocolate.
Melt your wafers or temper your chocolate.
When the chocolate is ready, take the covered cherries by the stem and dip just the bottom in the chocolate. This gives the candy a thicker bottom, which will help prevent the liquid from leaking out.
When you’re finished, start over, dipping the entire cherry. Don’t leave any of it uncovered.
Let the excess chocolate run off and place it on the cutting board to set.

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