Butterscotch Bars

Some say that butterscotch doesn’t have the elegance and sophistication of caramel. I say it’s a tasty treat that’s easy to make and you really ought to give it a try!

Watch the video here.


1 cup (217g) of brown sugar

6 tablespoons (9g) of heavy whipping cream

3 tablespoons of butter

1/4 teaspoon of vanilla

1/8 teaspoon of salt

1/2 cup (62g) of powdered sugar

12 ounces (340g) of chocolate


A 6×6 baking pan

Some parchment paper

A saucepan

A thermometer

A whisk

A bowl

A spoon or spatula

A cutting board lined with parchment, SilPat, or waxed paper

A couple of precision dipping tools


Line the baking pan and set it aside.

In a saucepan over medium-high heat, place the brown sugar, cream, and butter.

Stir until everything is melted.

Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and place a thermometer in the pan.

Stir occasionally and continue heating until the mixture reaches 236ºF.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the vanilla and salt.

Whisk in the powdered sugar.

Pour the mixture into the baking pan and allow to cool for about an hour.

Remove the candy from the pan and cut it into whatever size pieces you’d like.

Temper the chocolate.

Dip a piece of butterscotch into the chocolate.

Drain the excess and place it on the lined cutting board.

Continue with the rest of the pieces and leave them on the counter until the chocolate has set.

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