From the website, here are The 5 Unexpected Benefits of Sugar:

  • Sugar Can Provide an Immediate Burst of Energy
  • Sugar Helps You Store Energy for Later
  • Sugar Can Provide an Instant Mood Boost
  • Naturally Sweet Chocolate Can Improve Thinking Skills
  • Natural Sugar Sources Come With Added Nutrients

That being said, of course, all things in moderation. While I would never recommend overindulgence of any substance, an occasional goodie now and then can bring joy to a world devoid of fun and flavor.


I started making candy about a decade ago, and I owe it all to Dixieline Lumber.

My wife and I were in the garden department and I saw a tiny plant labelled “Jalapeno,” and thought that would be a fun and useful thing to grow. So we bought that, along with some herbs.

We got home and did the planting. Some time later, I was excited to see some fruit start growing. It wasn’t long before I realized that the plant had been mislabeled, and that I had actually been sold a habanero plant.

For those of you unfamiliar with peppers, the habanero is around 35 times hotter than a jalapeno. I wasn’t as much of a chilihead then as I am now, and I had no idea what to do with these little mouth-bombs.

So I did an Internet search, as one does. Amongst the results, I saw a recipe for Habanero Fudge and was immediately intrigued. The idea of sweet and spicy really appealed to me, so I thought I’d give it a go. The recipe called for 4 habanero peppers, which I found excessive, so I only used one.

It turned out better than I expected. The heat level, the flavor, and the mouth feel combined to make quite a tasty treat.

I took it to work to share, and my co-workers loved it (after I convinced them that this habanero fudge was not a thing to be feared). I told them to consider it a “warm hug for your throat,” which is exactly what it is.

I made it a few more times, by request, and finally decided to try making other types of candy. Thus began my journey from average human being to Randy the Candy Man.

And I owe it all to a distracted Dixieline employee. 😊