Coconut Cream Easter Eggs

Like a Mounds or Bounty bar, but creamier!

Watch the video here.

80g (6 T) cold mashed potatoes
250g (2 c) confectioners sugar
170g (2 c) finely shredded coconut
3/4 tsp vanilla
224g (1 1/3 c) chocolate chips or melting wafers
Pinch of salt
Colored melting wafers

Temper the chips or melt the wafers
Put an egg-shaped mold on a baking rack and fill the cavities about halfway.
Use a spoon to push the chocolate up the sides to the very top.
Flip the mold over and let the chocolate drain out onto a SilPat or a piece of parchment or waxed paper.
Tap the bottom of the mold to help the chocolate find its way out.
Leave the chocolate in the mold and on the SilPat to set.
Add the mashed potatoes, sugar, coconut, vanilla, and salt to a mixing bowl and blend well.
By now, the chocolate should have set. If not, wait a bit longer.
Spoon some of the mixture into each chocolate egg, leaving room for a final layer of chocolate on the top.
Put them in the refrigerator for about an hour, so the filling can set up a bit.
Remove the chocolate from the SilPat and re-melt it.
Pour the chocolate over the coconut cream filling, making sure it gets to the edges of the cavities, and let it set.
Remove the eggs from the mold, melt the candy melts, and pipe it over the eggs in any pattern you’d like.

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