English Toffee

If you like Heath bars or Almond Roca, you’re going to love these!

Watch the video here.


220g (1 cup) sugar

30g (2 tbsp) cold water to help dissolve the sugar

32g (4.5 tsp) corn syrup, which helps keep the toffee from crystallizing and softens it a bit.

200g (1 stick + 6tbsp) butter.

43 g (1/2 cup) chopped toasted almonds (or whatever you want for a topping)

170 g (1 cup) chocolate melting wafers

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Dash salt


Put the sugar, water, corn syrup, and butter in a large saucepan. This is going to increase in volume as it boils, and if your pan is too small, you’ll have a really sticky mess to clean up. I speak from experience.

Start on low, stirring until the sugar is dissolved, then increase the temperature to medium high. This gradual increase helps keep the butter from separating out.

Bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon or spatula. The more you stir, the less likely you are to burn your sugar. If you see the butter starting to separate, stir a little more vigorously until it’s all combined.

Once it starts boiling, place your thermometer in the pan. Be sure it doesn’t touch the bottom of the pan, to avoid false readings.

Let the temperature come up to the Hard Crack stage, which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit, 149 degrees Celsius.

Once you’ve reached the Hard Crack stage, remove your pan from the heat and add vanilla and salt. Be careful when adding the vanilla, as it may spatter.

Pour it onto lined cookie sheet. You can either spread it evenly or just let it do its own thing. It doesn’t need to go all the way to the edges. Don’t scrape your pot. You don’t want any burnt bits.

At this point, you have options. You can let the toffee harden, break it into pieces, then dip the pieces in melted chocolate, or you can pour the melted chocolate over the top of the toffee to make a bark, which is what we’re going to do today.

Melt your chocolate, either in the microwave over on a double boiler.

Pour the melted chocolate over the toffee and spread it evenly. You can use an offset spatula or the back of a spoon or whatever.

Sprinkle the almonds over the chocolate.

Let it cool completely, then break into pieces.

Video instructions for this recipe can be found at https://youtu.be/0X0yvcMEuYs

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