Hot Cocoa Bombs

Perfect for warming body and spirit on those cold Winter nights.

Watch the video here.

For a single 2 ½ inch bomb:
70g of chocolate chips.
¼ tsp of coconut oil
Some white chocolate for topping,
10 oz. milk
And either:
9g of store-bought cocoa mix
8g of sifted confectioners sugar
3g of sifted unsweetened cocoa powder

For the regular bomb – about 14g of marshmallows
For the Mayan bomb – 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne
For the Peppermint – about a tablespoon of crushed peppermint. Set aside the larger pieces as a topping and put the rest inside.

Place the chocolate chips and oil into a microwave-safe bowl and stir it until all of the chips are coated.
Microwave the chocolate and oil in 30-second increments until it’s almost, but not completely melted.
Stir until all of the chips have melted.
Put about a quarter of the chocolate in one cavity of a 2.5-inch half-sphere mold and use a brush or spoon to bring the chocolate up the sides of the mold, all the way to the top.
Do the same for a second mold.
Turn the mold upside down on the parchment or SilPat and put it in the fridge for 5 minutes.
Take it out of the fridge and repeat the process. You could do this all in one coat, but two coats gives better coverage.
Back in the fridge for 5 minutes.
Place a skillet or pan on the stove and set it to low heat.
Carefully peel the silicone mold away from your chocolate.
Flip your mold over and use it as a stand for your chocolate half-spheres.
Take one of the half-spheres and put it edge down on the heated pan or skillet. Move it around to melt off the rough edges.
Place it back on your holder and add the ingredients.
Take the other half sphere and put it in the pan or skillet just like you did the first one.
Immediately place it over its mate, allowing the melted chocolate to fuse the two halves into a beautiful sphere.
Melt the white chocolate and place it in a piping bag or zip-top bag.
Cut a tiny corner off of the bag and drizzle it over the bomb.
For the Mayan and peppermint bombs, immediately sprinkle the topping over the drizzle.
When you’re ready for some hot cocoa, heat your milk on the stove or the microwave.
Place a hot cocoa bomb in a mug and slowly pour in the hot milk, then give it a good stir, so everything is completely dissolved.

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