Keto Rocky Road Bars

Chocolate, marshmallows, and cashews…and no sugar!

Watch the video here.


2 tbsp unflavored gelatin powder

1 cup warm water, divided

1 1/2 cups of non-sugar sweetener

1/4 tsp salt

2 tsp vanilla extract

Two packages of keto-friendly chocolate chips, I’m using Lily’s dark, here.

Some crushed cashews (use almonds, pecans, walnuts, or macadamia nuts for lower carbs)

2 tablespoons of oil.


Line and grease an 8×8 pan.

Pour 1/2 cup of warm water into a mixing bowl, add the gelatin and whisk to combine.

In a saucepan over medium low heat, add 1/2 cup of water, sweetener, and sea salt.

Stir it frequently, until it’s hot, but not boiling.

Once the sweetener dissolves, start checking for small bubbles on the bottom of the pan.

When you start seeing the bubbles, remove the pan from the heat, and stir in the vanilla extract.

Pour it into the mixing bowl with the gelatin, mixing constantly.

Continue mixing on high until it holds stiff peaks.

Transfer the marshmallow mixture into the prepared pan, and refrigerate for at least 8 hours, or until firm.

Remove the marshmallow from the pan, cut it into whatever size pieces you’d like, and let them sit uncovered on a rack just until a skin forms. This will help hold the marshmallows together when dipping and prevent the chocolate from seizing.

Temper the chocolate.

Add two or three tablespoons of chocolate to the crushed cashews and mix it well.

Dip a marshmallow in the chocolate, insuring full coverage, place it on a lined cutting board, and spoon on some of the chocolate-covered cashews.

Repeat until you’ve made as many as you’d like, then allow the chocolate to set.

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