
You’ll never be satisfied with store-bought marshmallows again.

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21g (3 packs) unflavored gelatin

226g (1 cup) corn syrup

340g (2 cups) granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

2t vanilla extract

226g (1 cup) cold water, half for the gelatin and half for the sugar syrup

Some powdered sugar

Some canola oil


Grease an 8×8 baking pan, then line it with parchment and grease that as well.

Cut an 8×8 piece of parchment, grease it, and set it aside.

Add the gelatin and water to the bowl of your mixer and give it a quick stir to combine.

Add the corn syrup, sugar, and water to a medium sauce pan.

Stir it until it’s combined, then turn the heat on to medium-high.

Let it come to a boil without stirring.

Cover the pan with a lid and let the condensation gather for a few minutes to wash down the sides of the pot.

Remove the lid, reduce the heat to medium, and attach your candy thermometer to the pan.

Once your thermometer reaches 240F, remove it from the pan and remove the pan from the heat.

Turn your mixer on medium and slowly pour the syrup down the side of the bowl.

Add in the vanilla and the salt.

Turn the mixer up to high and whip for 7-10 minutes.

When the mixer bowl is slightly warm to the touch and the mixture is very thick, it’s done.

The marshmallows will start to set up almost immediately, so move quickly here.

Grease a spatula with canola oil, transfer the mixture into the baking pan, and spread it out to the sides.

Put the extra square of oiled parchment over the mixture and press it flat. Or you can just grease up your hands and press the mixture flat that way.

Let it sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours – overnight, if you can. The longer you wait, the easier they’ll be to cut.

When you can’t wait any longer, remove the parchment square and dust the top of the marshmallows with powdered sugar.

Sift some more powdered sugar into a large bowl.

Remove the marshmallows from the pan.

Flip the marshmallows onto your cutting board and remove the parchment.

Dust the marshmallows with powdered sugar.

Coat a knife or scissors with canola oil to help prevent sticking.

Cut your marshmallows into whatever size you like and put each piece in the bowl of powdered sugar.

Once a piece is coated in sugar, bounce it around in your hands a bit to shake off the excess sugar and place it in a container.

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