Whatchmacallit Bars

What’s a Whatchmacallit? It’s like a Rice Crispy Treat on steroids! Peanut butter, caramel, chocolate, and butterscotch take this treat to a whole new level!

Watch the video here.


200g (3/4 cup) of sweetened condensed milk

¼ cup of butter

15 caramels (e.g. Kraft)

1 cup of light brown sugar

1/2 cup of white corn syrup

1/2 cup of peanut butter

3 cups of Rice Krispies

2.5 T of butterscotch chips

1 cup of chocolate or melting wafers


A saucepan

A spoon or spatula

Some jars for the caramel

A bowl

An 8×8 baking pan

A cutting board

SilPat, parchment, or waxed paper



In a saucepan over medium heat, add the sweetened condensed milk and butter.

Stir it until the butter has melted, then add the caramels and turn the heat to medium low.

Stir this continuously, so the caramels don’t burn.

When the caramels are fully melted, pour the mixture into some jars, and set them aside to cool.


In a saucepan over medium heat, add the brown sugar, corn syrup, and peanut butter.

Stir it constantly, so it doesn’t burn.

When everything is melted and smooth, remove it from the heat and add the butterscotch chips, stirring until they are completely melted.

Add the cereal and mix until the cereal is well coated.

Add the cereal mixture to the baking pan and press it firmly into an even layer.

Spread a layer of caramel filling over the cereal mixture.

Refrigerate for about 20 minutes.

Remove it from the pan and cut into whatever size pieces you’d like.

Place the bars on a lined cutting board and put them back into the refrigerator while you temper the chocolate or melt the wafers.

Dip a bar into the chocolate, drain the excess, and place the bar back onto the lined cutting board.

Repeat with the remaining bars and leave them on the counter until the chocolate has set.

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